The Human Connector is a conscious social network that aims to take humanity to a new level of cooperation

Welcome to the Human Connector, a social collaboration application platform that uses Human Design and the Gene Keys to help people connect with each other in meaningful ways. Our mission is to help people understand where and how they fit into the larger mind of humanity, so that they can fulfill their purpose and achieve their goals together.
Using the ancient wisdom of the I Ching as a map of our DNA, we provide a unique and powerful tool for personal growth and collaboration. Our founders have a passion for personal growth and development, and a deep understanding of the role that collaboration plays in achieving success.

+ Search for people based on their Human Design and Gene Keys profiles
At the Human Connector, we believe that understanding ourselves and others is key to building strong, meaningful connections. That's why we've developed a powerful search feature that allows users to find others based on their energy type, intelligence profile, life force system connections, talents, working culture, and location. With this tool, you can easily discover people who share your interests and qualities, and connect with them in ways that are both personal and professional. Whether you're looking for new friends, potential collaborators, or simply want to understand yourself and others better, our search feature can help you find the connections you're looking for. Sign up now to start exploring.
+ Create personal, professional, and product/service pages
At the Human Connector, we understand the importance of being able to share information about ourselves and our work with others. That's why we've developed a range of features that allow users to create personal, professional, and product/service pages. With these pages, you can share information about yourself, your career, and the products or services you offer with other members of the Human Connector community. This can help to facilitate connections and collaboration, and to support and promote your work. Whether you're looking to build your personal brand, showcase your professional skills, or simply want to connect with others who share your interests, our personal, professional, and product/service pages can help you achieve your goals. Sign up now to get started.
+ Organize yourself into tribes, projects, and events
At the Human Connector, we believe that collaboration is key to achieving success. That's why we've developed features that allow users to organize themselves into tribes, projects, and events. With these features, you can easily create and join groups, teams, or communities of like-minded individuals who share your interests and goals. This can help to foster collaboration and support among members of the Human Connector community, and to make it easier to work together on specific projects or events. Whether you're looking to build a network of friends, colleagues, or collaborators, or simply want to connect with others who share your interests and goals, our tribes, projects, and events features can help you achieve your goals. Sign up now to get started.
+ Use connection charts and Human Design charts to understand yourself and others
At the Human Connector, we believe that understanding ourselves and others is key to building strong, meaningful connections. That's why we've integrated connection charts and Human Design charts into our platform, to help users easily access and analyze their own and others' profiles. With these features, you can gain insight into your unique qualities and strengths, and learn how to connect with others in more meaningful and fulfilling ways. Whether you're looking to improve your personal relationships, build your professional network, or simply want to understand yourself and others better, our connection charts and Human Design charts can help you achieve your goals. Sign up now to get started.
+ Use messaging and communication tools to connect with others
At the Human Connector, we believe that effective communication is key to building strong, meaningful connections. That's why we've developed a range of messaging and communication tools that make it easy for users to connect and communicate with each other. With these tools, you can easily share messages, files, and other information with other members of the Human Connector community, whether for personal or professional purposes. This can help to facilitate connections and collaboration, and to support and promote your work. Whether you're looking to build your personal network, collaborate with others, or simply want to stay in touch with friends and colleagues, our messaging and communication tools can help you achieve your goals. Sign up now to get started.
+ View a map of people, tribes, projects, events, and products/services in your area
At the Human Connector, we believe that understanding the connections and activities happening in our local communities can help us to connect with others in meaningful ways. That's why we've developed a map feature that shows users what people, tribes, projects, events, and products/services are around them. With this feature, you can easily discover and connect with others in your local area, and stay informed about what is happening in the community. This can help to facilitate connections and collaboration, and to support and promote your work. Whether you're looking to build your personal network, discover new opportunities, or simply want to stay up-to-date with what's happening in your area, our map feature can help you achieve your goals. Sign up now to get started.
How does it work?

We come together to co-create
At the Human Connector, we come together to co-create a vibrant and supportive community where everyone can fulfill their potential. We believe in the power of community and collaboration, and we use the ancient wisdom of the I Ching as a map of our DNA to provide a unique and powerful tool for personal growth and collaboration. Our mission is to help people understand where and how they fit into the larger mind of humanity, so that they can fulfill their purpose and achieve their goals together. Whether you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals to share your journey with, or simply want to connect with others who share your interests, the Human Connector has something for everyone. Join us today and discover the power of community and collaboration. Together, we can achieve great things and make the world a better place.
I Ching
Energy Types
Circuit Groups
Energy Centers
Pearl Sequence
I Ching
The I Ching is an ancient Chinese divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics. It is a map of the universe and the human mind, as well as a guide for moral decision-making. At the Human Connector, we use the I Ching to show people how they connect with each other. We believe that the I Ching is a powerful tool for understanding the complex relationships between people, and that its 64 hexagrams can help us to see the underlying patterns and connections in our lives. By using the I Ching as a map, we can gain insight into our own personal relationships and learn how to build stronger connections with the people around us. Whether you're looking for new friends, trying to strengthen existing bonds, or simply want to understand yourself and others better, the I Ching can be a valuable tool on your journey.
We are part of a larger intelligence
At the Human Connector, we believe that each and every one of us is a part of a larger intelligence that is constantly evolving. As we grow and learn, we become more connected to each other and to the world around us. Our platform uses the ancient wisdom of the I Ching as a map of our DNA to help us understand where we fit into the larger mind of humanity, and to support us on our journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. We are committed to fostering a vibrant and supportive community where everyone can come together to co-create and achieve their goals. Join us and discover the power of collaboration and connection. Together, we can make the world a better place.