It's all about wavelength! Humans are meant to work together like bees in a hive

The Human Connector is a tool to help us build a purposeful world together through understanding the purpose of how we connect with each other. 

We are one species operating as if we are separate from each other. We are competing with one another, destroying the planet that is our home and playing artificial roles without knowing the true purpose of how we connect with each other. 

If we look to nature, I feel that bees are the model of how we operate together. Bees work together to make sure there is enough honey (food) for the whole hive. They are not competing to get the most honey for themselves on an individual level the way we do in our society with no concern for the safety and well being of the hive.

Bees operate together as if they are one mind, they essentially are a hive mind. Bees don’t need money because they are all on the same wavelength as each other. We need money because we are all on different wavelengths to each other, so we need an artificial common exchange protocol tool to help us operate together.

In our society, which is our hive, we should work with each other, not against each other. Competition makes us work against each other. Competition breaks down the human spirit and results in entropy. Competition results in groups of individuals dominating the rest of society through getting into positions of power, through any means necessary, which causes our society to become more unbalanced and eventually results in conflict through the imbalances created.

If we work together, our energy creates a synergy with each other, and the whole is more than the sum of the parts added together. The way our society operates gets us to compete for artificial resources, even when we should work with each other, all while destroying our real natural resources.

This is because the way our system and society operates goes against hive mind mentality through promoting individual gain as the ultimate aim instead of collective good. Hive mind mentality is always about the collective good, as the well-being of the hive is the biggest factor in determining the wellbeing of the individual.

If we ravage the world, and tear it apart through war, then it doesn’t matter how many artificial resources we collect, it still won’t change the resulting negative impact of living in an environment that is no longer habitable through us having decimated it. If we live in a prosperous reality, then we all prosper.

The reason we need to use money as a tool which creates the negative impact of us working against each other for artificially scarce resources, while exploiting our natural resources to gain these artificial resources, is because we are all on different wavelengths to each other. Money also drives humanity through creating a sense of artificial scarcity in the collective mentality, which drives us to create a world based on scarcity through how money gets us to think that there “isn’t enough” which creates a world where we manifest collectively there not being enough.

Money works like a tuning fork, which allows everyone, regardless of faith or creed, to come onto the same wavelength as each other through coming into the same state of consciousness. We need to be on the same wavelength as each other in order to understand each other and see eye to eye with each other. Money works like a common operating band that we can all come onto, but it goes against hive mind mentality.

Even though money works well to get us into the same operating band as each other, it enforces a psychological sense of artificial separation from each other, which makes us work against each other. Therefore, it is a flawed tool that we need to transcend in order to get our world operating correctly. It is the heart of our society, and it is the heart of the issues in our society. 

The solution to the issues in our society caused by us being on different wavelengths to each other, and needing to depend on an artificial tool to get us onto the same wavelength as each other, is to focus on coming onto the same wavelength as each other.

The way each of us lives through the lifestyle we follow determines the wavelength we are on. Whether it’s the diet you follow, health routines or work routines, place you live, music you listen to, languages you speak, etc. In fact, the word culture derives from the food we eat and our connection to the soil. The two driving forces behind life are the drive to consume food for fuel and the drive to procreate. Food shapes our personalities through our gut bacteria, our way of life surrounds how we grow the food collectively, and through that the wavelength we are on.

Human Design, which is the foundation of the Human Connector, is a tool to help you come onto the same wavelength as others through participating in living the lifestyle experiment of living according to your body’s innate intelligence instead of your social-cultural programming. Human Design is a framework to show you how your intelligence operates and how your life force system works.

It comes down to understanding that society has conditioned you to behave in a certain way that is out of tune with who you are, and the way to come into tune with yourself is to listen to yourself properly in order that you can operate correctly.

In our society we are all competing to be the best version of what we are not, through the roles we play, instead of embracing what we are. The more we embrace, accept and understand ourselves, the more we can do that for each other and through that we can achieve a higher level of operating through a deeper sense of shared connection.

Human Design is just one of the many tools we can use and integrate into our lives to come onto a similar wavelength as others. The magic of Human Design is that it can also show us the mechanics of how we operate interdependently with each other. I feel this is key knowledge for us to have and explore together as we need to operate in unison with each other in order to fulfill our individual purposes together in order to build a better world.

We are here to be gifts in each other’s lives through helping each other to find fulfillment, not just being mindless robots, all competing to be the best version of what we are not. In our role based world, the way to feel free is to find a role that matches your innate intelligence so you don’t feel trapped and can express yourself authentically in order to feel fulfilled.

We don’t need to play roles if we understand how we each operate, and through that create a new wavelength for us to operate on. The only reason we play roles is because we need to fulfill each other’s needs, because we collectively don’t have the knowledge about how we need to fulfill each other’s needs in our society.

The Human Connector is a social networking platform that can help us connect with each other in a new way, through coming to a new common understanding by experimenting with the Human Design knowledge and seeing how we can leverage it in order to work together better and make the world a more beautiful, harmonious and prosperous environment for each of us - no competition needed, and through that scarcity created, when we’re all being our unique authentic selves.

The world we have created results from our collective mentality regarding how we approach our relationship to ourselves, each other and the earth. These relationship connections are not working correctly because we have created a fragmented connection to ourselves, each other and the earth.

In order to come into a fresh way of being, it is essential to shift the narrative that we have bought into that has resulted in the society that we exist in today. We need to create a new narrative around our connection to ourselves, each other and the earth that we base on a deeper level of connection and understanding of ourselves and each other in order to transcend the consciousness of separation and come into unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is the hive mind where we operate as one intelligence through all of us being on the same wavelength as each other.

Bees are symbolically a totem of Christ consciousness, which is Unity consciousness, which is the higher truth of our interconnectivity to each other. We need to embrace this higher truth of our interconnectivity to each other. We need to embrace this higher truth through aiming to live in accord with this collective truth. In order to live in accord with this collective truth, it is essential for us to come onto the same wavelength as each other, and work together towards the common good.

The Human Connector is a tool that can help us come onto a similar wavelength to each other, and it is a platform which can enable us to work together with each other in a new way while leveraging the power that social networking platforms have provided us in how they have allowed us to connect with each other in a new way

The story of humanity is basically the story of the tower of Babel that humanity tried to build in order to be God from a place of ego and separation in the Bible. The story is that as a result a higher power placed a curse on humanity and we all, then spoke different languages and stopped being able to understand one another because we then went onto different wavelengths. This story is symbolic of the true state of humanity, with each of us not understanding the other, and this we need to rectify through coming onto the same wavelength.

How the Human Connector allows us to come onto a similar wavelength using the Human Design system is through giving us a new language through which we can understand each other. This is so we can see the world through the same lens while embracing our individual uniqueness. Human Design is not a belief system, it’s mechanical knowledge that each of us can test and see how it works through experimenting with it.

Using this approach will allow us to transcend dogma and individual belief systems and instead rely on knowledge that we can test. Human Design is a map of your life force system, and how your intelligence operates. The Human Connector uses Human Design to allow you to see how you connect with others like biological Lego through how your intelligence and genetic processes complete with others. It’s a map to show you the purpose of why you connect with others that you can verify and test through experimenting with the knowledge, which will lead to a deeper level of understanding and a fresh way of living your life with others.